Recycle Week On Yorkshire Coast – Filey Residents Urged To Recycle

It’s Recycle Week on the Yorkshire Coast, with Filey residents urged to recycle more items from their bathrooms.
In the East Riding, waste and recycling officers will be out and about in various towns, including Filey, for Recycling Week which runs from today (Monday 25 September) until Sunday.
The awareness week, which is in its 14th year, promotes household recycling and advises residents how to reduce waste in their home.
Officers will be parking their recycling trailer at each location and will be on hand to speak to anyone about waste and recycling issues, answer their questions and take requests for bins and kitchen caddies.
North Yorkshire County Council is also promoting the awareness week and encouraging residents to rethink their bathroom regime.
Research by New recycle Now has found only 52% of bathroom items go in the recycling bin in the UK homes.
If everyone in North Yorkshire recycled just one more deodorant spray, it would save enough energy to power a typical primary school for eight weeks.
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