Lights on the Far Horizon
Over the winter a light has been shining on the South Eastern horizon, far out to sea off Flamborough Head. During the day three tall slender fingers appear, almost imperceptible to the naked eye. What are these nautical towers on the horizon?
It is the Dundee-based drilling rig, Valaris 123, crewed by up to 145 people, it is exploring the Tolmount East gas field. The rig is what is termed a ‘Jack Up’. It stands on 540 feet legs on the sea floor, elevating the living quarters, drilling rig and helicopter pad above the waves on connected leg supports. The rig can drill down to 40,000 feet.
Valaris 123 was built in Singapore in 2019. It cost $285m and is contracted to oil and gas companies at a daily rate of $105,000. Although the rig is based in Dundee, due to the strange nature of the maritime world, she flies the flag of Liberia. The jack-up rigs are towed from Dundee to wherever they are required to work, they then secure themselves to the seabed with their legs and begin work.

Valaris 123 being towed at the port of Dundee
The rig is working on the Tolmount East gas field, the main Toulmont field is two and a half miles further south and over the horizon. The Tolmount field is being exploited by Premier Oil and has the potential to reach a peak production rate of around 250 million cubic feet a day. The Tolmount East field is a more recent discovery. It is thought that there is 220 billion cubic feet of gas in the new field. The gas will be pumped via a twenty-nine mile pipeline to Easington in East Yorkshire.

Location of the Tolmount Gas Field, Valaris 123 is to the north and east of the field shown on the map.
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Wrong THIS Is Not The Valaris 123
It Is The Rowan StavangerRig arriving in dundee In 2015 when valaris 123 did not exist then the photo is wrong!
What! I LITERALLY work on the Valaris 123 And It looks nothing like that and if you Zoom in Onto The Port Bow it clearly Rowan Stavanger Valaris 123 was built in 2019 and this photo was Taken in 2015
This james and craig guy are right on the picture but I am sying that everything else is correct