Five Years of Keeping Filey Tidy
For five years they have been helping keep the rubbish at bay. Five years of picking up fag ends, portable BBQs, beer cans, plastic toys, used nappies and anything else the public can leave on the streets and beach.
The volunteer group Keep Filey Tidy began their ceaseless work in August 2015. Since then their band of volunteers have helped Scarborough Council remove countless tons of litter. On Friday night alone volunteers from Keep Filey Tidy, and the Marine Conservation Society, removed six sacks of rubbish from the beach. Although Filey is extremely busy at the moment, it is saddening that people are leaving such large volumes of litter on the sands. The issue of plastics in our seas has been widely publicised and yet for some people taking home what they brought with them is seemingly too much to ask.
Keep Filey Tidy grew from two ladies out and about with carrier bags, to around twenty active pickers today. From the very start the group has had the support of the town, from groups, businesses and individuals. Their first grant to buy grabbers was from Filey Town Council. Businesses have shown their support by sponsoring hi vis vests which are worn by all pickers whilst they are working.
One of Filey’s great attractions is its old world genteel feel. Visitors often remark on how clean and tidy the town is. Whilst this is partly explained by genuine communal pride, it is also testament to the sheer hard work of bodies such as Keep Filey Tidy. Without their ceaseless work, Filey would be a lot less attractive to residents and visitors alike. They are a lesson to us all.
The group are constantly on the look out for new members. Some of the volunteers do several hours a week, others just fifteen mins every now and again. Both are valuable contributions and much appreciated. Keep Filey Tidy is a friendly, community-minded, group. You can contact them by joining their Facebook page or by email:

Litter being collected from the beach on the evening of 31 July (picture courtesy of Matt Barnes).
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