The Filey Steampunk Seaside Spectacular

The Victorians loved their seaside holidays, and so of course do Steampunks, a growing genre of people fascinated by all things Victorian and the fantastical notion that things would be so much better if the future had turned out a little differently….more Victorian, more Steam-Powered, Airships and Empire, Time Travel courtesy of H. G. Wells, amazing submarines courtesy of Jules Verne, and everything as splendid as possible…
So naturally Filey is a perfect place for Steampunks to enjoy a Seaside Spectacular, it is probably the most unspoilt Victorian Seaside Resort in the UK. Add to this the wonderful Scarborough Fair Collection of Steam Traction Engines, Vintage Vehicles, Fairground Rides and Fairground Mechanical Organs, and you have a recipe for the most brilliant annual festival.
For the inaugural year of 2017 this will take place over the third weekend of May, the 19th, 20th and 21st, and the plans are well-advanced for a truly amazing Steampunk Festival.
On Saturday and Sunday the Scarborough Fair Collection will be bringing some of their amazing machines into Town, and a shuttle-bus service will be running constantly between the Town Centre and the Scarborough Fair Collection where a Steampunk Market will be offering specialist retail therapy alongside a programme of live entertainment in their Ballroom, and of course the famous Fairground Rides will be in operation alongside their amazing collection of vintage vehicles!
Meanwhile in the town, there will be street theatre, and live musical entertainment.
One of the most amazing things about a steampunk festival is that it attracts steampunks from far and near, and they come wearing their steampunk finery which adds greatly to the occasion – some of these outfits are fantastic!
However, one of the very best things about steampunk is how easy it is to join in – your first costume need not be expensive, the elements are probably to hand in grannie’s wardrobe or the charity shops. For a chap, a tweed jacket, waistcoat and a cloth cap is all you need – and the possibilities are endless.
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