Have Your Say, Filey Residents’ Masterplan Survey
Scarborough Borough Council and Filey Town Council are looking to develop a new vision for the future of Filey. Over the coming six months they are undertaking a residents’ survey where ideas can be contributed that will help identify priorities for the town.
The survey can be completed online and there are also drop in sessions being held at the following events:
14 August 10am-1pm Filey Food Festival, Evron Centre
22 August 2pm – Sunday Band Concert – Crescent Gardens
27 August 10am-1pm – Street Stall, Murray Street
We would expect that provision of GP and dentist services will be high on the agenda, especially given the expansion of housing on the fringes of the town. Another common gripe is parking, there appears to be an overwhelming consensus on this issue, but our councillors have historically been lukewarm to a residential parking scheme. However, it is surely a scheme whose time has come.

Busy summer streets
Overall we are lucky to live in a town that is largely unspoilt and has, thus far, retained many of its independent shops. As a resort town there will always be a balance to be struck between residential and visitor priorities. The boom and bust element of a seaside economy has to be eased with more out of season events. But that has been an intractable part of the economy ever since the first visitor trod the beach. It is nothing new.
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I feel the time is right for change without spoiling the character of filey as we know it but since the building of new properties in the area will affect the services such as gp and dental practices which areat full stretch now also parking is a big issue as it is affecting residents with private roads that are being abused to the cost of older permanent residents of filey