Crescent Gardens Wishing Well Refurbished
It is an often used backdrop for family photographs and a valuable source of income for Filey in Bloom; the volunteers who, alongside Scarborough Borough Council staff, keep areas like the Crescent Gardens at their pristine best and a riot of colour at the height of summer.
The Crescent Garden Wishing Well had developed a precarious lean and was closed in August. Over the winter it was rebuilt, complete with a new roof, crossbeam and bell. The wooden shingle roof will significantly reduce the weight of the structure. Building anything on the underlying alluvial clay is fraught with difficultly; anyone who owns an apartment on The Crescent will be able to tell tales of cracked plasterwork and the like.
The Wishing Well was finally completed a few days ago and is now awaiting the raising of travel restrictions on 12 April. So, bring some change, cast your coins, make a wish and help the Crescent Gardens remain in its blooming glory throughout the year.

The Crescent Gardens Wishing Well
The Filey in Bloom group will, restrictions allowing, be holding s fund-raising summer fayre on the Crescent Gardens on Saturday 7 August. You can follow their exploits via their Filey in Bloom Facebook page.
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