Campaign for a Filey Maritime Heritage Centre Launched
Set on a cliff top location, in the heart of Filey’s historic fishing community, is the slowly decaying former conference hall, better know to local people as the ‘Old Scout Hut’. Despite being listed as an ‘asset of community value’ it has been put up for sale by Scarborough Borough Council, raising fears that the site will be developed, inevitably into holiday flats, and lost to the community.
The property, which is perhaps the last remaining cliff-top site with sea views, was listed by Filey Town Council as an Asset of Community Value in March 2016 but unfortunately this protection expired last month. In response a group of local individuals have set up Filey F.I.S.H. Group (Future Initiative Scout Hut), a ‘not for profit’ organisation in the hope that they can acquire the property from Scarborough Borough Council and redevelop as a Maritime and Heritage Centre for the benefit of tourism, education and local history in the town.
Initial plans include a permanent exhibition regarding the world famous Battle of Flamborough Head which took place in Filey Bay in 1779, but it would also encompass communal meeting rooms and lecture theatre for use by schools and other organisations.
The Group is keen to hear the views of local people regarding its plans and initially a Facebook page has been set up to collate those views.

The Old Scout Hut
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