The snow and ice may have melted, so whilst there will be no white Christmas this year in Filey, it will definitely be a merry one. May we wish all our friends and readers, wherever they may be, a very Happy Christmas.

Should the Queen Street Gardens be reopened and renamed the Queen Elizabeth Gardens in honour of our late beloved monarch? In 2019 the Queen Street Gardens were saved by a magnificent campaign. Certain elements on the council wanted to see the land sold off, doubtless to be built on, as happened at the former tennis […]

The sunny days of summer feel a distant memory. The snow came late last week and ever since the temperature has barely moved above zero. Mist is rising from the sea, as the water is warmer than the air temperature. Heavy snow is forecast for Wednesday, so wrap up folks! Keep your eye out […]

It’s not only the cold wind of winter that has arrived in Filey this week, but also the cold wind of change. A number of local businesses have sadly closed their doors for the final time. The much-loved Doggy Deli has served up its last treat to our four-legged friends, as the owners have decided […]