He was the first English king to die a Christian martyr, a romantic hero, the exiled prince who won and lost his kingdom in battle and proclaimed a saint. His name is hidden in plain sight among the hills and dales of northern England. He was St Oswald, in honour of whom Filey’s twelfth century […]

She’s done it! Stephanie Luxton completed her one hundredth round trip by bike between Filey’s Coble Landing and Hunmanby Gap this morning. Her daily five mile round trips commenced on 16th September and every day since she has become a familiar sight, often battling against a headwind along the beach. In total Stephanie has cycled 450 miles, taking seventy-three hours to […]

The dramatic of bombardment of Scarborough by German battlecruisers on 16 December 1914 is one of the iconic moments of the Great War. In its immediate wake, posters implored potential recruits to ‘Remember Scarborough’. Over a century on the bombardment lingers in our cultural memory. It is therefore understandable that an operation that was an […]

Visit St. Mary’s Church at Sledmere and you will find a stained glass depiction of King Edwin of Northumbria. The King, now raised to sainthood, is clutching a broad sword, but it is the large stone church he is cradling that is the focus of attention. Edwin’s legacy is not only the Archbishopric of York, it […]

The Filey Literature Festival has worked with poet Robin Needham, to produce a Filey anthology, The Salt of the Yorkshire Earth. The idea came about following his work popping up on social media. Ode to the Filey Lifeboat Heroes (first two verses) The Filey Lifeboat Heroes Are a sure and steady crew, In time of […]

The pubs are open, well some of them, so we thought we would bring you a substantial meal deal guide to Filey. Where can you eat? What can you eat? Will you get chased out as soon as you eat the last crumb? Will the police shine a bright light in your eyes and ask for […]

The Filey Fishtive tree has been lit, but sadly in line with the times, there was little or no ceremony. However, it is still quite a sight, made as it is from lobster pots, dressed with fishy bunting and topped by a golden salmon. Although it is only the fourth year that the tree has appeared on […]

As Filey has been placed in tier two of covid restrictions several of the town’s hotels and pubs will be reopening by the weekend. News reaches us that the White Lodge Hotel will swing its doors open at noon on Friday. They are reopening for stays, lunch and dinner. They are keen to show off […]

The construction of eight apartments on the site of the Three Tuns car park continues apace. Belle Vue Street is temporarily closed whilst a large crane lifts concrete pre-cast sections onto the site. However, the road will reopen shortly, albeit with a one-way restriction which is remaining in place until April next year. The car park […]