At first glance, The Carrs is an unremarkable landscape. The flat fields have more of a resemblance to the Fens of Eastern England than to Yorkshire. But there are secrets hidden beneath the peaty soil of The Carrs. It is home to probably the most important Prehistoric site that you have never heard of. Star Carr. The Carrs […]

Quite literally if you want, as 1st prize includes dinner! The winners of the Fabulous Filey Competition are: 1st Prize: Dinner Bed and Breakfast at The White Lodge Hotel next Saturday has been won by Chriisy Lee 2nd Prize: Round of Golf for two at Filey Golf Club goes to Lisa Atkinson 3rd Prize: A bottle of […]

There are competitions, and then there are competitions, and boy have we bagged three stellar prizes for this one! The first prize is dinner, bed and breakfast for two at the White Lodge Hotel on their opening night of Saturday 4 July. We can’t think of a better way to celebrate the start of the […]

As we flick page through the pages of history, it is tempting to ascribe certain years as the end of one chapter and, therefore, the beginning of another. There is no more alluring target than the year 1914. Philip Larkin lamented that there would ‘never such innocence again’ in his poem MCMXIV. It has a […]

If there was a top ten of things that people have missed during the pandemic, going to the pub would doubtless score highly. At its best the pub is a communal hub, a refuge, a comforting home-from-home. It’s something that a thousand zoom calls, or tins from the supermarket, can never replicate. There’s a reason […]

Filey has been named by Rough Guides as the nineteenth best seaside resort in Britain. At first glance you might think that our lovely town has been hard done to, but read the list and actually the placing is quite a coup. First place was awarded to another North Sea resort, Tynemouth and a lovely […]

Although many businesses are beginning to slowly reopen as the Coronavirus pandemic hopefully eases, the situation for many visitor attractions remains bleak. The Filey Bird Garden and Animal Park on the Scarborough Road recently posted an update on their difficult situation. We hope you might take the time to read their statement and consider helping […]

New York might seem a strange place to hear idle chat about Filey life, but thanks to two Filey-based broadcasters, that is exactly what is happening. We can only but wonder what people walking down Broadway make of tales of late nights in Foords! But be it Broadway or the Brigg, Times Square or the Three […]

Dolphins, porpoises and seals are regular visitors to Filey Bay, but, according to a report in the Scarborough News, last week a Northern Minke Whale was spotted in the bay by two local fishermen. Jimmy Bright and Foster Cammish were fishing for salmon just one hundred yards off the shore opposite Filey Sailing Club, when the whale […]