The Filey Brigg Angling Society are the 2020 winners of the Scarborough Inter-Club Challenge Trophy, better known as the Sana Bell Trophy. It is the eighteenth time that the Filey Brigg club have won the trophy (a full list of winners can be found on the Whitby Sea Anglers Association website). The Sana Bell Trophy is […]

Two thousand cyclists are set to converge on Filey as the Great Yorkshire Bike Ride comes to the coast. The Great Yorkshire Bike Ride is an annual seventy mile sponsored charity cycle ride from Wetherby to Filey. The ride takes in some of Yorkshire’s best countryside through the Howardian Hills and the Yorkshire Wolds to the coast. Every year 2,000 […]

The organisers of the Tour de Yorkshire cycle race will be hosting a community roadshow in the town between 6pm-8pm on Monday 9 March. The event, being held at the Evron Centre, will offer residents, businesses and community groups advice on how groups and individuals can benefit from the race. It represents a great opportunity to find out more […]

Whilst Filey’s award-winning beach is among the cleanest in the country, a lot of work goes on to keep it in its pristine condition. Recently volunteers found a packet dating from 1997 on the beach near Coble Landing! It was part of 24Kg of rubbish removed from the beach. In a 100m survey area were fifty-seven cigarette butts, […]

The vibrant community hub that is Filey Library is embracing the Filey Literature Festival with an exciting series of events for all ages and tastes! The fun begins at 6pm on Friday 22 May when Captain Tom Mason brings his Pirate Show to the library. American Pirates singing jolly songs in the non-fiction section will […]

Filey based accountants Hunter Gee Holroyd are offering individuals and businesses a free financial heath check on 25 February. Appointments are available between 08.30am and 4.00pm. A complimentary breakfast or lunch is provided. In our everyday lives it can be all too easy to overlook our personal finances. However, life changes, we might want to save for our families futures, […]

Filey is set to host a new festival and could erect a statue or monument to mark one of the most famous events ever to take place on the waters of the North Sea. In 1779 the American War of Independence spread to the unlikely location of Flamborough Head. A joint Franco-American squadron, attempting to […]

With the February half-term just around the corner, thoughts are beginning to turn towards the 2020 season and probably the strongest line-up of events Filey has had for many a year. So here is your Filey diary for 2020! 10-13 April Filey Art Society Easter Exhibition 11-12 April Filey Food Festival 30 April Tour de […]

The much-anticipated launch of the programme for the Filey Literature Festival is taking place on Wednesday (19 February) in the Evron Centre foyer at 1pm. The sixteen page programme features all the events taking place at Filey’s inaugural literature festival that is being held over the bank holiday weekend of 22-24 May. The programme is […]