Research divers from Yorkshire recently visited Filey Brigg and took photographs of some of the incredibly exotic and diverse marine life found just a few hundred metres from Filey’s beach. On one dive alone they recorded 56 species, including 7 species of seaslug. The word ‘seaslug’ implies the kind of slimy animal found in gardens […]

The Victorians loved their seaside holidays, and so of course do Steampunks, a growing genre of people fascinated by all things Victorian and the fantastical notion that things would be so much better if the future had turned out a little differently….more Victorian, more Steam-Powered, Airships and Empire, Time Travel courtesy of H. G. Wells, […]

Filey is a wholly unique, quiet; and quite beautiful, small seaside town on the picturesque North Yorkshire coast. Today, Filey proudly retains its fishing heritage; and the warmth and friendliness of its townsfolk is ever-present leading to that natural phenomenon that Filey does truly make you smiley! As we approach spring time, the days are getting […]

I LIVE in Filey where we have no sporting facilities. Before coming to live here I was training for three days a week, six- mile runs and the rest of the week training and swimming in the gym. Sundays were always race days for a triathlon or running or more training runs. My children grew […]

A painter from Filey is hoping people can find one of his pieces that was swept away by the wind just as he was completing it. P. Malcolm Ludvigsen, of Filey, stated “On Tuesday I was painting in Scarborough, on top of the cliffs overlooking South Bay. “I was putting the final touches on my painting (quite […]